Schedule Enforcement

NoahFace reads today's scheduled / rostered shift times for each worker from the following HR platforms:

  • Workday
  • isolved
  • Employment Hero (formerly KeyPay)

This enables you to:

  • Validate clocking attempts against each worker's schedule (eg: to stop workers clocking in more than 15 minutes before a shift).
  • View today's schedule to see which workers have arrived and which workers are late.
  • Report on whether workers arrives early, later, or on time over a date range.

Schedule enforcement functionality is available in the Clock In/Out screen and the Job Tracking screen (in Clock Mode only).

Schedule enforcement functionality is available to all NoahFace customers on Advanced and Enterprise Plans.

Event Timing

Each event that is recorded in NoahFace is notated as either:

  • Unplanned.
  • On Time.
  • Early.
  • Late.

Only events related to scheduled shifts will be considered as 'On Time', 'Early', or 'Late', and events such as registration events will always be considered as "Unplanned".

Clock In Events

Workers that clock in more than 10 minutes prior to the start of their scheduled shift are considered 'Early'.

Workers that clock in after the start of their scheduled shift are considered "Late".

You can adjust these thresholds by specifying the configuration options "earlyin" and "latein" in minutes. For example:

Clock Out Events

Workers that clock out prior to the end of their scheduled shift are considered 'Early'.

Workers that clock out more than 10 minutes after their scheduled shift are considered "Late".

You can adjust these thresholds by specifying the configuration options "earlyout" and "lateout" in minutes. For example:

Schedule Display

When workers clock in, their scheduled shift times for the day will be displayed at the top of the screen:

Schedule Validations

Unscheduled Arrivals

If you want to ensure that only workers with scheduled shifts can clock in, you can specify the configuration option "denyunplanned" as follows:

Workers arriving when they do not have a scheduled shift will see the following:

You can optionally change this message by specifying the "unplannedmsg" option.

It will still be possible for managers to clock in workers without a scheduled shift using the NoahFace Go mobile App if this is required.

Early Arrivals

If you want to ensure that workers cannot clock in more than 15 mins before their scheduled shift starts, you can specify the configuration option "denyearly" as follows:

Workers arriving early will see the following:

You can optionally change this message by specifying the "earlymsg" option.

It will still be possible for managers to clock workers in early using the NoahFace Go mobile App if this is required.

Late Arrivals

If you are using "Auto Mode" (see Clock In/Out Modes) and want to ensure that workers cannot clock in more than 10 mins after their scheduled shift starts, you can specify the configuration option "denylate" as follows:

Workers arriving late will see the following:

You can optionally change this message by specifying the "latemsg" option.

It will still be possible for managers to clock workers in late using the NoahFace Go mobile App if this is required.

Viewing Today's Schedule

Managers can can view today's scheduled shifts in the NoahFace Go mobile App by specifying:

They will see a list of all workers with rostered shifts, optionally filtered by site, along with each worker's current status. They will be able to clock users in and out (either individually or using multi-selection), and assign them to new work:

Managers can also view today's scheduled shifts in the NoahFace Dashboard by selecting the filter option "Show users with scheduled shifts only" in the Site Summary report:

The report will then show each worker with a scheduled shift and will indicate their start and end time:

The actual clocking times will appear under the scheduled times, and times will be highlighted in red if they are early or late.

Reporting on Late Arrivals

You can generate a list of late arrivals over a date range by selecting the following search options in the Filter popup on the Events page in the NoahFace Dashboard:

These same search options are available in the Event Details report, which means you can schedule the generation of a late arrival report periodically (eg: once per month).

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