Working From Home and Geofences

There has been enormous growth in the number of workers that work from home, either permanently, on a hybrid basis, or occasionally.

As a result, many organizations want their workers to able to clock in and out either on site or at home, while having protections in place to ensure that workers cannot clock in and out elsewhere.

To support this, NoahFace allows you to set geofences around each fixed work site as well as each worker's home.

Enabling Geofencing

To enable geofencing, edit your mobile Access Point Type and set the Location field to "Fenced":

Recording Site Locations

To record the location of a fixed work site, edit the Site record in the NoahFace Dashboard and press the location marker:

This will launch the location picker window, where you can search for the site address, set an appropriate radius, and Save the location:

Recording Home Locations

To record a worker's home location, edit their User record in the NoahFace Dashboard and press the location marker:

This will launch the location picker window, where you can search for their home address, set an appropriate radius, and Save their home location:

To change a worker's home address, search for their new home address, set an appropriate radius, press the Save button, and then Update their user record.

To remove a worker's ability to work from home, press the Clear button and then Update their user record.

User Experience

Each worker will see the list of sites with geofences, as well as their home location, in the NoahFace Go mobile App under Settings / Sites:

Importantly from a privacy perspective, if workers have a home location recorded, this is only visible in their own instance of NoahFace Go, as well as in the NoahFace Dashboard for HR staff and managers.

If a worker attempts to clock in at a known site or their home location, this will succeed and their geolocation will be recorded:

If they attempt to clock in elsewhere, this will fail and they will see the following:

Recorded Events

Each clocking event will include the worker, the action (eg: Clock In, Clock Out), the date and time, the mapped site name (eg: Head Office, Home), any data collected (eg: Cost Centers, Work Types, Projects, etc), and the geolocation. For example:

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