The NoahFace App supports the following languages:
The home screen is displayed in a default language, which can be specified using the "language" configuration option in your Access Point Type. For example:
Each user in NoahFace has a preferred language, which can be maintained via the NoahFace Dashboard or synchronized from your HR platform. Once a user has been identified, the NoahFace App will display all fixed text in that user's preferred language.
The NoahFace App also supports configurable text, such as button labels and policies, being defined in multiple languages. This can be done by prefixing any configuration option name with a language tag (eg: "es-" for Spanish, "fr-" for French, "de-" for German, "pt-" for Portuguese, "zh-" for Chinese, "ja" for Japanese, etc).
For example, to configure the Compliance screen in English, Spanish, and French, you might specify:
policies=I do not have any COVID symptoms, such as fever, cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat, fatigue, loss of taste or smell, nausea, or diarrhoea; In the past 14 days, I have not been in contact with anyone subsequently confirmed to have COVID-19,
es-policies=No tengo ningún síntoma de COVID, como fiebre, tos, dificultad para respirar, dolor de garganta, fatiga, pérdida del gusto u olfato, náuseas o diarrea;En los ultimos 14 dias, no he estado en contacto con nadie que posteriormente se haya confirmado que tenga COVID-19,
fr-policies=Je ne présente aucun symptôme de COVID, tel que fièvre, toux, difficultés respiratoires, maux de gorge, fatigue, perte du goût ou de l'odorat, nausées ou diarrhée;Au cours des 14 derniers jours, je n'ai pas été en contact avec une personne dont la présence du COVID-19 a été confirmée ultérieurement