The NoahFace Go App allows employees to record their work hours using their mobile phone, wherever they are. It can be configured to display one of the following screen types:
Once you have selected a screen type, you can further configure the screen by specifying appropriate screen details. The sections below explain the available options and syntax for each type of screen.
The Clock In/Out screen is used by shift workers to record their worked hours and breaks. This allows you to pay staff accurately for the number of hours worked.
The Clock In/Out screen has buttons to perform actions. For example: a "Clock In" button to start a shift and a "Clock Out" button to end a shift. The text on the buttons can be changed by specifying the "in" and "out" options in the screen details. For example:
in=Start Shift, out=End Shift
The Clock In/Out screen displays the available actions (eg: Clock In, Start Break, Clock Out) depending on the current work status and the Clock In/Out Mode.
You can specify the "max" length of a shift in hours, which defaults to 15 hours, or a specific time of day that all shifts should "end". If a staff member forgets to clock out from a shift, this enables them to clock into their next shift. For example:
mode=auto, max=15, end=23:00
The Clock In/Out screen can be further configured to allow you to collect data during your clock in and clock out events. For example, you might want to:
For more information, see: Clock In/Out Data Entry.
You can validate that employees are allowed to clock in and deny them access when appropriate. The "minbreak" option specifies the minimum duration (in minutes) of an unpaid break such as a meal break. For example:
mode=break, minbreak=30
For more information, see:
You can also specify that geofencing should be ignored for clock ins, breaks, or clock outs, by specifying the "anyin", "anybreak", or "anyout" option respectively. For example:
mode=break, minbreak=30, anybreak=true
To specify more than one option, just comma separate the options. For example:
in=Start Shift, out=End Shift, max=12, mode=manual
The Task Tracking screen is used to record the type of tasks being worked on throughout the day. This allows you to apply different pay rates to different task types, or to allocate the worked hours to different projects or cost centres.
Employees simply press the "Start Task" button at the beginning of the day, the "Change Task" button throughout the day as appropriate, and the "Clock Out" button when they are finished for the day.
There are three modes of operation: "manual" mode (the default), "auto" mode, and "clock" mode. For example:
In "auto" mode, the first task selected each day will be recorded as a "Clock In" event rather than a "Start Task" event, which is important for some payroll systems to delineate the start of a shift.
In "clock" mode, users need to explicitly clock in at the start of the day before they can start any tasks. This allows you to display health and safety policies at the start of each shift. For more information, see: Policies.
The list of tasks can be configured by specifying the "tasks" option in the screen details. List items are semi-colon separated, and can be either just a name or a name and a corresponding value (colon separated). For example:
tasks=Kitchen:20; Counter; Tables:30
If you are synchronising your users with a system that supports global lists, you can specify your tasks by providing the appropriate list number. For example:
You can change the terminology of "task" to something else by specifying the "name" option in the screen details. For example:
You can specify an additional task for default or unassigned work. For example:
notask=No Project
You can change the text on the Clock In and Clock Out buttons by specifying the "in" and "out" options respectively. For example:
in=Start Shift, out=End Shift
And you can collect data when the Clock In and Clock Out buttons are pressed. For more information, see: Clock In/Out Data Entry.
To specify more than one option, just comma separate the options. For example:
name=Activity, tasks=Kitchen;Tables;Counter;Delivery
The Job Tracking screen is used to record the time spent on each job (by job number), allowing you to on-charge work to your customers.
The Job Tracking screen displays the current job number and the length of time you have been working on it. One or more buttons will be available (eg: Start Job, Clock Out, etc), depending on the current work status and the Job Tracking Mode.
When a user starts a job they are required to enter a job number and optionally select a job/work type.
Job numbers can be validated against a global list by specifying the "joblist" option in the screen details. For example:
Alternatively, you can instead allow any job numbers to be entered, and then validate their length by specifying the "jobmin" and "jobmax" options. For example:
jobmin=5, jobmax=10
To require job/work types to be selected from a list, you should specify the "typelist" option. Job/work types can be specified as a global list eg:
or as a fixed list of values:
If you want to read job/work types from barcodes, you should specify:
Entered job/work type numbers will be validated against your specified "typelist", or, if you don't specify a "typelist", then the length will be validated against the "typemin" and "typemax" options. For example:
typemin=3, typemax=3
If you specify both text and numeric values for each job/work type in your list, the text values will be displayed, but your barcodes can be for the numeric values. For example:
typeid=true, typelist=Standard:100;Custom:200;Repairs:300
You can also change the terminology of "Job" and "Job Type" by specifying the "name" and "jobtype" options respectively. For example:
name=Work Item, jobtype=Activity
Example 1: If you want to scan job numbers and record breaks, use:
Example 2: If you want to scan job numbers and allow selection of work types from a list, use:
jobtype=Work Type, typelist=Standard;Custom;Repair
Example 3: If you want to scan both job numbers and job types, with the values validated against global lists, while requiring an initial clock in and recording breaks, use:
mode=clockbreak, joblist=$1, typelist=$2
If you are mapping locations to work sites but not restricting where employees can clock in/out, you can specify a default site by specifying the "unmapped" option. For example:
NoahFace allows you to record a date for each user which can be used for a number of purposes, including:
There are four expiry modes that can selected by specifying the "expmode" option. With the default mode of "future", users are only granted access on or before an expiry date (eg: a license expiry date). With a mode of "today", users are only granted access on a specified date that is regularly updated (eg: the next rostered shift date). With a mode of "past", users are only granted access for a defined period after a specified date (eg: a training date or a vaccine date). Finally, with a mode of "annual", users are delivered a message on the anniversary of a specified date (eg: on their birthday or work anniversary).
For past expiry dates, you can define the number of days they are valid by specifying the "expdays" option, which defaults to 7. For example:
expmode=past, expdays=90
For both past and future expiry dates, you can optionally provide a pre-warning to users in advance of their access expiry. To do this, just specify the number of days in advance you want that pre-warning to be presented in the "expwarn" option. For example:
expmode=future, expwarn=30
All expiry date messages include both a warning component (eg: "Your access has expired.") and an expected action (eg: "Please see your supervisor."). You can configure these by specifying the "skill" and "action" options respectively. For example:
skill=license, action=Please renew it ASAP.
NoahFace can display alerts or messages on the home screen. This can be used for a number of purposes, including:
To specify a message that should be delivered to all users, specify the "alert" option. For example:
alert=There is a company wide meeting at 3pm in the warehouse.
To specify a message that should only be delivered to users with a specific user type, specify the "alerttype" option. For example:
alert=Please conduct employee safety briefings this week.,
To specify a message that should only be delivered to an individual user, specify the "alert" option as a hashed attribute. For example:
In this case, the current message for each individual user must be provided through your user synchronisation.
NoahFace can display policies related to health, safety, or other work conditions, when employees clock in for work. Policies can be specified in plain text or HTML. For example:
policies=You must wear PPE at all times.
They can also be specified as a reference to a Web page (you are responsible for creating and hosting the Web page). For example:
To display site specific policies, you specify the special value of "#site", and then define your policies for each site. For example:
To display site specific policies, you must set your Location setting to either "Mapped" or "Fenced", so that NoahFace knows which policy to display based on your geolocation.
You can optionally configure the policy name, a check box that must be actively acknowledged, and the button text, as follows:
policyname=SITE SAFETY,
policycheck=I confirm I have read and understand the site safety requirements.,
Since policies are displayed for clock in events, they can be used in the Clock In/Out screen, in the Task Tracking screen (in clock mode), and in the Job Tracking screen (in clock mode).
NoahFace allows you to select your profile picture as either an avatar or a photo. You can restrict the options available to users by specifying the "pictures" option as "all", "avatars", "photos", or "none". For example: